Monday, November 1, 2010


Yesterday, it was Halloween day with the smell of a roaring bonfire , sweet sugar and spice and more than a measure or two of spectral surprise.  It reminded me of the arome of some perfumes that I had the opportunity to discover during my travels. Smell is the faculty that enables us to distinguish scents.
Yesterday, I enjoyed the costumes and the variety of colors and scents. Unfortunately, I also met some people who do not smell good. I though to suggest them to use a perfume or cologne, but I restrained myself because I didn’t want to insult them. I'm sure I'm not alone in having such encounters. This is not the first time and I know that it will not last.

Many people are deprived of this benefit of smelling the fragrance they like by using a perfume that suits their personality and their mood, because they find perfumes, fragrances and cologne too expensive. They were partly right. The average price of the fragrances found in shops is more than $ 70 and even over $ 100 for designer fragrances.

I recently discovered on the Internet that can find affordable fragrances for women and colognes for men who have the same scent as those well known. That’s pity that to many people are not aware of it. For my part, I'll enjoy it and do enjoy my friends. I hope you will too.

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